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Which Petalinux version does this existing Petalinux project use?
Scenario: You are looking at a Petalinux project and want to know which Petalinux version it uses. Solution: Inside every Petalinux...

FSBL Creation and Source Debug in Xilinx Vitis 2019.2
This post demonstrates how to create and debug a ZCU102 FSBL and FSBL BSP using Xilinx's 2019.2 Vitis, previously known as the Xilinx...

Install 2019.2 Vitis on Ubuntu 16.04.5
This post demonstrates an install of Vitis 2019.2 on Ubuntu 16.04.5. Steps #1 Go to

petalinux-create -t apps --name demo-app --enable Commands, Output, and Info
This post lists commands, output, and information around petalinux-create -t apps --name demo-app --enable. Its meant to be used as a...

How to Create an App in 2019.1 PetaLinux and How that App's Recipe Is Found
This post shows how to create an app using Xilinx's PetaLinux 2019.1 and how to find how the app is found by Yocto 2.6.1.

Boost Hello, World on a ZCU102
This post shows how to compile and install Boost, compile the Boost "Hello, World!" project using the Xilinx SDK aarch64 toolchain, and...

Finding the Linux kernel version / commit used by Petalinux, and acquiring the kernel source
This post shows how you can find the kernel version used in a Petalinux build - not just the numeric version like 4.19, but the exact git...

Using device tree overlays with Linux/Petalinux
This post will show you how to use device tree overlays in Linux, and discusses Petalinux-specific configuration requirements and bugs....

Creating device tree overlays
This post provides an example of how you can create a device tree overlay .dtbo file. Once you've created the dtbo file, read "Using...

What port is the tcf-agent listening on?
This post shows how to check what port the tcf-agent is listening on. Commands were run on a ZCU102 booting a 2019.1 PetaLinux built...

Quickly Try devicetree and Root Filesystem Changes from a Xilinx PetaLinux Built image.ub
This post shows how to get the Linux kernel, Flattened Device Tree blob, petalinux-user-image from an image.ub built by PetaLinux. Then...

Show Whitespace in the 2019.1 Xilinx SDK
This post shows how to show whitespace characters in the 2019.1 Xilinx SDK. 1. Click a file 2. Right-click on the file in the editor 3....

Enable 2019.1 Xilinx SDK BSP Symbols
This post shows how to enable symbols in a 2019.1 Xilinx BSP. Remember! You can enable syms in the fsbl or the fsbl_bsp, but not both....

Add an embeddedsw Driver to a 2019.1 BSP From the Command Line
This post demonstrates how you can manually add an embeddedsw driver to an XSDK FSBL BSP. Steps XP=~/xsdk/SDK/2019.1...

Command Line 2019.1 Xilinx FSBL Rebuild and Test
This post demonstrates HOWTO rebuild and test the 2019.1 Xilinx FSBL

PetaLinux 2018.1 in Docker
This post describes how to install and run Docker and build PetaLinux 2018.1 in a Docker container.

Boot the 2020.1 FSBL in QEMU
This write-up shows how to boot the 2020.1 FSBL in QEMU. It also shows how to recompile the FSBL from PetaLinux 2020.1.

ZCU102 Memory Map
This post's table contains: (1) A memory map of the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, (2) An overlay of the Linux kernel, U-Boot, PMUFW, FSBL, and...

Log: 2019.1 PetaLinux JTAG Boot U-Boot & Boot Linux
This post lists the output from a successful verbose PetaLinux Tools 2019.1 JTAG boot & subsequent Linux kernel boot from an image.ub on...

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Memory Map
This post lists the memory map of the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC. Links Zynq UltraScale+ Device Technical Reference Manual UG1085 (v2.2)...

Table of Xilinx FPGAs from
This post lists Xilinx FPGAs listed at [] sorted by nm, overview page links, and...

Enable socat Using Petainux 2019.1 and Test it on the ZCU102
This post shows how to enable socat in a PetaLinux 2019.1 build.

Adding GCC to PetaLinux builds (compiling code on FPGA PS)
This quick guide will show you how to add GCC and other development tools (make, etc.) to a PetaLinux build, allowing you to compile code...

Patching the Linux Kernel with devshell in PetaLinux 2020.2
In this blog post, three trivial example Linux kernel patches are created and added to a Xilinx PetaLinux project using Yocto devshell,...
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