This post shows how to configure VirtualBox to allow Vivado and other Xilinx tools running on Ubuntu 16.04.3 in the VirtualBox managed virtual machine to communicate with Digilent's USB-to-JTAG and the USB UART.
This post assumes you've installed Vivado. See [link] for instructions.
You'll need 2 open USB ports: one for the JTAG-to-USB and one for the USB UART
Versions Used
Ubuntu 16.04.3
Vivado 2018.2
VirtualBox 5.2.12
Windows 7 SP 1
ZC706 REV 1.1
Configure VirtualBox
1. Save your work and close all programs on your Ubuntu 16.04.3 desktop
2. Shut down Ubuntu by (A) clicking the gear and (B) selecting Shut Down...

...then selecting the shutdown button:

Note: you must shut down Ubuntu in this way for this to work.
3. Open settings by (A) selecting the virtual machine, (B) right-clicking and (C) clicking Settings...

4. (A) Select USB, (B) select USB 3.0 (xHCI) Controller and (C) select OK

5. Start the virtual machine that has the USB 3.0 (xHCI) Controller selected

Install the Drivers
1. Type cd /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2018.2
2. Type cd ./data/xicom/cable_drivers/lin64/install_script/install_drivers
3. Type sudo ./install_drivers
You should see:
Note the line: INFO: Driver installation successful.
Connect to the Hardware
1. Ensure the board's power is off
2. Plug the USB B micro end of a USB cable into the JTAG-to-USB port and the USB A end into your computer
3. Plug the USB B micro (or mini) end of a USB cable into the USB UART port and the USB A end into your computer
4. Power on the board
5. In the VirtualBox management window (A) click Devices then (B) click USB.
You should see (C) Silicon Labs CP2103 USB to UART Bridge Controller [0100] and (D) Digilent Adept USB Device

6. In the VirtualBox management window:
A) Click Devices then
B) Click USB, then
C) Select Silicon Labs CP2103 USB to UART Bridge Controller [0100] and

Note: hover over the selection to bring up the pop up
You should see:

If you don't, try selecting it again.
Open a terminal and type dmesg. You should see the following at the end of the dmesg:
Note ttyUSB0
D) Select Digilent Adept USB Device

You should see:

Open a terminal and type dmesg. You should see the following at the end of the dmesg:
Configure VirtualBox USB Auto Connect
1. (A) Click Devices, (B) click USB and (C) click USB Settings...

2. Click the USB+ icon

3. Click Silicon Labs CP2103 USB to UART Bridge Controller [0100]

4. Click Digilent Adept USB Device [0700]

5. If you see the following, click OK

6. Test by unplugging the USB-to-JTAG cable and seeing the USB device come back:
A) Unplug
B) Click OK

1. Run Vivado

2. (A) Click Flow then (B) click Open Hardware Manager

3. Click Open target

4. Click Auto Connect

You should see:

Text of TCL Console
Test Serial
Note: See [link] for setting up and running minicom
Reboot Ubuntu
Once everything has been shown to work:
A) Power off the board,
B) Reboot Ubuntu
C) Power on the board
D) Verify dmesg messages
E) Run Vivado to set up the hardware connection
Uninstall the Drivers
If you need to you can uninstall the drivers using the following stepspwd
1. Unplug the serial and JTAG-to-USB cables
2. Type sudo rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/52-xilinx-digilent-usb.rules
3. Type sudo rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/52-xilinx-ftdi-usb.rules
4. Type sudo rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/52-xilinx-pcusb.rules
UG973 2018.2 Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing at [link]
Xilinx logo found via https://twitter.com/xilinxinc at [link]