This post shows how to build and run a FreeRTOS Hello, World! on the Xilinx ZCU102 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC's R5 Using the 2019.1 SDK. The post also shows how to configure and receive UART output from the R5. It also lists steps to install Vivado 2019.1 and the SDK and create a PS design to run Hello, World! on.
Step #1: Install Vivado 2019.1 (with the SDK option)
Click [link] for steps.
Step #2: Create a PS design, export the hardware and launch the SDK
Click [link] for steps (skip the install Vivado 2019.1 steps)
After Step #2 you should see the SDK in this state:

Step #3:
A) Click File
B) Click New
C) Click Application Project

Step #4:
A) Set Project name to r5_freertos_helloworld
B) Leave default Use default location checked
C) Click to select
D) Select freertos10_xilinx
E) Leave default: design_1_wrapper_hw_platform_0 selected
F) Click to select
G) Select psu_cortexr5_0
H) Leave default: r5_freertos_helloworld_bsp
I) Click Next >

Step #5:
A) Leave default: FreeRTOS Hello World selected
B) Click Finish

Step #6: Wait for the build to complete. It took about a minute on my computer [link] (+16 GB of RAM).
Step #7: Plug in the cables
A) Plug in the power
B) Plug a USB A-Male to Micro B cable from the computer into the USB-to-JTAG port (J2)
C) Plug a USB A-Male to Micro B cable from the computer into the USB-to-serial port (J83)
D) Turn on the ZCU102

Step #8:
A) Right-click r5_freertos_helloworld
B) Click Debug As
C) Click Launch on Hardware (System Debugger)

D) Click Yes

Step #9: Connect to the R5's serial port
A) Click SDK Terminal
B) Click the +
C) Click the pull-down
D) Select the 2nd COM

E) Leave default Baud Rate: 115200
F) Leave default Data Bits: 8
G) Leave default Stop Bits: 1
H) Leave default Parity: None
I) Leave default Flow Control: None
J) Leave default Timeout (sec): blank
K) Click OK

You should see:

Step #10:
A) Click Step Over twice
B) You should see Hello from Freertos example main

Step #11:
A) Click Resume
B) After a bit of time, you should see FreeRTOS Hello World Example PASSED
