This post discusses the AMD Versal PMC vs. PSM. At a high level, the PMC (Platform Management Controller) controls boot, and the PSM (Platform System Controller) controls power. A processor in the PMC, the PMC PPU, loads the PSM and "releases it" to run. This post goes into more detail about each.
This post uses the non-secure boot process to explain more about the PMC and PSM using information from the Versal Adaptive SoC Technical Reference Manual (AM011) at and the Versal Adaptive SoC System Software Developers Guide (UG1304) at
Knowing that the PMC is the first thing that can run your code is helpful when creating a Versal "Hello, World!" project with Vitis.
Platform Management Controller (PMC)
The PMC replaces the MPSoC's CSU and PMU.
PMC Blocks
The PMC contains: