This post shows a way to rebuild, test and save a source code change in U-Boot using PetaLinux Tools 2018.2 using devtool;
This write up assumes you've:
Installed PetaLinux Tools, Vivado, minicom,
Have done a complete build
Have programmed that build over JTAG and
Have viewed the output over minicom
See these for help:
Install 64bit Ubuntu 16.04.3 on a VirtualBox 5.2.12 Managed Virtual Machine Running on Windows 7 SP1 at [link]
ZCU102 Development Using 2018.2 on a Linux VM Running on Windows: Part 1 at [link]
ZCU102 Development Using 2018.2 on a Linux VM Running on Windows: Part 2 at [link]
Connecting Vivado to Digilent's USB-to-JTAG through VirtualBox at [link]
Arg! Nothing I type shows up in the Minicom console! at [link]
Pull in PetaLinux
Type from PLXPROJ directory, i.e. zpfeffer@z:~/plxprjs/xilinx-zc706-2018.2/
Pull in BitBake
Type from PLXPROJ directory, i.e. zpfeffer@z:~/plxprjs/xilinx-zc706-2018.2/
Pull u-boot-xlnx into devtool
Type from PLXPROJ/build/ directory, i.e. zpfeffer@z:~/plxprjs/xilinx-zc706-2018.2/build/
Note: this will checkout u-boot to /opt/pkg/petalinux/components/yocto/source/arm/workspace/sources/u-boot-xlnx
You should see:
Make a Change
Edit board_info.c:
Make the change:
Build it
Type from PLXPROJ/build/ directory, i.e. zpfeffer@z:~/plxprjs/xilinx-zc706-2018.2/build/
You should see something like:
Note: you may see different values of tasks and entries
Check that board_info.c was rebuilt
Find the u-boot-xlnx log.do_compile file
Type from PLXPROJ/build/ directory, i.e. zpfeffer@z:~/plxprjs/xilinx-zc706-2018.2/build/
You'll see:
Grep for board_info
You should see
Test it
Find the ELF file:
Type from PLXPROJ/build/ directory, i.e. zpfeffer@z:~/plxprjs/xilinx-zc706-2018.2/build/
Note: this excludes files that are links
You'll see something like:
Copy the ELF:
Type from PLXPROJ/build/ directory, i.e. zpfeffer@z:~/plxprjs/xilinx-zc706-2018.2/build/
Start minicom:
Type from PLXPROJ/build/ directory, i.e. zpfeffer@z:~/plxprjs/xilinx-zc706-2018.2/build/
You should see
Save Your Changes
Type from /opt/pkg/petalinux/components/yocto/source/arm/workspace/sources/u-boot-xlnx
Type from PLXPROJ/build/ directory, i.e. zpfeffer@z:~/plxprjs/xilinx-zc706-2018.2/build/
You'll see:
The patch is at:
Type this from PLXPROJ/build/ directory, i.e. zpfeffer@z:~/plxprjs/xilinx-zc706-2018.2/build/
You should see:
To make sure your patches got picked up...
Type these commands from PLXPROJ/build/ directory, i.e. zpfeffer@z:~/plxprjs/xilinx-zc706-2018.2/build/
Build U-Boot:
Find the ELF file:
Copy it to where PetaLinux Tools expects it to be:
Boot it:
Edit Code Again
To edit code again with devtool and maintain your existing source tree:
Type from PLXPROJ/build/ directory, i.e. zpfeffer@z:~/plxprjs/xilinx-zc706-2018.2/build/
...then follow the steps from Make a Change above.
TipsAndTricks/Patching the source for a recipe at [link]
Using devtool in Your SDK Workflow at [link]
Xilinx logo found via https://twitter.com/xilinxinc at [link]